Insane Chaos Circuit Records |
® ICC - Insane Chaos Circuit Records - Copyright ©
*hello there fellow fuckers this izzzz paul from belgium here born in belgium on 16 oktober 1986 started my psychedelic yourney when i wazzz like 7/8 years young so kinda grew up witthe thing they called : goa . my dj'ing carrier started around the year 2000 @ a local danscafe where i'f started dj'ing : techno , metal , hip hop daft.punk and mutch more . and then grew up to one of the most cellabrated dark psy dj's of the belgium underground scene . i'f 1rst got in contact with this program called : fruity loops like abouth 5 years ago and started to make muzick on my own . my style i wanted to create emotionpsy. behind every song i'f make untill now there izz alway's a special meaning behind it so all my song's have a verry special meaning to me ofcoarse . now since i'f got with the skitzophrenik lifeform records crew i'f released my verry 1rst song on the 1rst free compilation the song called: SIN. Back in 2006 i think . thanxxx to that oportunity i'm now already with a couple of label's who i love verry mutch . now time hazz changed and an cellebrating 5 yearz of yata-garasu , ass the creator of this thing called emotionpsy no shit would have happend without my friends and all the support i get from them and also the label’s that supported me me love you looooooong time J yata-garasu = paul
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